
AIJEC is present at institutions and other entities where the voice of young catalan entrepreneurs is heard

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The Spanish Confederation of Young Business Associations (CEAJE) is the organization of all young business people and entrepreneurs in Spain integrated into CEOE, CEPYME, FIJE, YES For Europe and G20YEA.

AIJEC is an association member and was founded in 1991.

Now we have one of the vice presidencies and the treasury of the Executive Committee.


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Foment del Treball Nacional is the confederation that has represented businessmen and the powerful Catalan industry since 1771. As an independent, private, non-profit organization, covered by the constitutional and legal right of association of businessmen, it is governed with democratic criteria by freely elected representatives.

We have a vice presidency and the presidency of the Innovation Commission. We are members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.



Founded in 1988, YES for Europe is the most influential vehicle for young entrepreneurs in Europe, connecting and representing the interests of the most important national associations on the continent to improve the economic and social performance of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Europe.

We currently holds the Spanish vice presidency.



The Ibero-American Federation of Young Entrepreneurs (FIJE) is consolidated as a non-profit entity and the main representative body of young entrepreneurs in Latin America. Founded in 2008 by entities representing young entrepreneurs from 17 countries, it has a corporate mission to promote economic development with strong socio-environmental commitment.

At this moment we are members of the board.



The G-20Y Association is a non-governmental organization, with a profit motive, based in Geneva. The functions of the G-20Y Association are due to separate entities dedicated to:

G-20Y Leaders Circle is an organization of the G-20Y Association that unites G-20Y Summits alumni and business leaders selected from a broader scope for collaboration and development during the current years.
G-20Y Summit is a prestigious leadership and talent development program for top executives of world-leading companies and business owners.
G-20Y Entrepreneurs Meet Up explores what connects and defines with entrepreneurs, to help each other navigate our businesses towards future growth.

We have the presidency of the Spanish delegation.


parlament de catalunya

We appear regularly Business at the Entrepreneur and labour Commissions and Youth Policies of the Parliament of Catalonia.