
AIJEC assumes the vice-presidency of CEAJE, the employer of young entrepreneurs in the state

Vicepresidència de CEAE

The Executive Committee of CEAJE has approved this Tuesday the appointment of Ruben Sans Solsona, President of AIJEC Young Entrepreneurs, as the new Vice President of the Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (CEAJE), the employer that brings together all young Spanish entrepreneurs under 41 years.

The entry of Sans and two new members from the AIJEC, Eloi Palà Ramos, former president of AIJEC Young Entrepreneurs, and Vicenç del Mar Mullor, treasurer and member of the current board of directors, strengthens the weight of the entity en la organització espanyola i la converteix en el principal representant de joves empresaris en l’àmbit català.

Sans, who has been president of AIJEC Joves Empresaris since 2020 and has been part of the CEAJE executive since then, considers that “this appointment helps to strengthen the representation of young Catalan entrepreneurs in Spain and gives greater weight to the voice of young Catalan entrepreneurs within the employer and society as a whole ”. For the new vice-president of CEAJE, “it is another way to share and grow the experiences of knowledge, entrepreneurship and success between entrepreneurs in Catalonia and the rest of Spain”.

For Fermín Albaladejo, president of CEAJE, “it is necessary to join forces from all territories of the country.” Albaladejo is delighted to have Sans as the new vice president as this incorporation only enriches the confederation, extending his hand to all the youngest businessmen in Catalonia. “The union of all, makes the strength,” says the president of CEAJE.

Founded in 1991, CEAJE integrates more than 18,500 direct members, all young entrepreneurs, and 21,000 small, medium and large companies and brings together 55 provincial associations and regional federations. It is integrated into the CEOE, CEPYME, FIXI, YES For Europe and G20YEA.