
The AIJEC General Assembly approves the course with note

Assemblea Aijec 34

The AIJEC held its General Assembly of members this Thursday. The board chaired by Ruben Sans took stock of the activity carried out this year 2022-2023. An activity that stands out, in particular, for the increase in the international representativeness of the AIJEC. In the last year, the organization has multiplied its presence in organizations and events at European level, such as the Academy of
Youth Entrepreneurship Policies (YEPA), promoted by the EU and the OECD, but also international ones such as the G20 YEA, the largest network of young entrepreneurs in the world; the Ibero-American Business Meeting and the Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, which took place in Santo Domingo in March. A fact that has allowed the organization to open up and be enriched by other business cultures as well as offer members new opportunities.

During the event, the organization’s lobbying work was highlighted. A hundred meetings and events that have made it possible to continue working to defend the interests of the country’s young business fabric and facilitate the work of starting and growing a business.

Francisco Javier García Pérez, new presidential adviser

Among the items on the agenda, the entry of Francisco Javier García Pérez, as advisor to the presidency, has been unanimously approved. García Pérez, member of the AIJEC, works as a counselor at Uría Menéndez and is an associate professor in the mercantile area at the UPF, professor of the IP/IT master’s degree at ESADE and of the postgraduate course specializing in data protection from the UB. Expert in advising companies based in digital and intangible law, especially in those where knowledge and innovation are a key factor, the lawyer assumes the position to help promote innovation and the adoption of new technologies in the young business fabric.

Community, Young Entrepreneur Award and lobby, the axes of the next financial year

During his speech, the president of the AIJEC, Ruben Sans, set as his main objective for the next year to continue making COMMUNITY and give representation to the group. For Sans, it is vital to continue working to seek recognition and support for the work done by young entrepreneurs and to promote the young entrepreneurial fabric on the part of the administrations.

Community, the Young Entrepreneur Award and lobbying tasks are the three axes that the Sans board has set for the next financial year. The assembly also served to present the report on the last year’s activities.